Wisconsin County Human Service Association 

Promoting best practice, creating professional alliances, and developing partnerships in service delivery.

E-Subscribe with WCHSA

WCHSA members are sent email updates regarding Executive Board meetings, conferences, and any other pertinent communications. 

New Subscribers:  To receive WCHSA notifications and stay informed, contact Shelly Tyson at tyson.shelly@co.calumet.wi.us to subscribe to WCHSA email updates.

To Unsubscribe:  Contact Shelly Tyson at tyson.shelly@co.calumet.wi.us.

Please let WCHSA know when your email address changes so that we can keep in touch with you.

*Agency or Department:
*Old Email Address:
*New Email Address:

* - denotes required field

WCHSA 612 W. Main St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53703; (608) 469-5903; Lisa Hassenstab, Executive Director